Holy moly, ten whole years of madness from Depeche Choad, embodying fun, humour and banging tunes and gaining a following around the city that brings every gig to life! Well done to keeping it going, it's gotta be tough being so cool :D
Apologies to Vibrator and The Ghost Tape, but I couldn't get down early enough to catch your sets.
Holy Snakes were the first of the night I managed to catch and I always love the mix of blues and folky tunes just injected with some Dundee energy. Wait, that sounds like drugs, it's actually just three beautiful men on stage making sweet sweet music with style and a whisk of magic to enthrall their audiences.
Depeche Choad were on. fucking. point. as they never fail to be. Their live shows are bouncing, they get the crowd laughing, boogying, and they do it while using audio-alchemy to mix some Good Heavy Tunes and Class Scottish Humour. The night was a tour-de-force through their catalogue and I'll be damned if I get all their weird references, but it's a hoot to behold anyway. Here's to the next 10 lads