I love The Blue Lamp, I don't think it'll ever be a showcase venue for my photography, but the cosy 80s pub feeling brings imagery of a time gone by where people were closer, probably because it's a tiny room and we are all physically closer! A grand evening of very mixed music was put on, fantastic to see folks again.
Graham from Empty Maps opened up the night, sad tunes, echoey guitar, like you are in a spacey void of emotions. Solo sets are always good for a change of pace from the full band, and the close venue made it a heartfelt treat.
Bonnie Mutt followed with a blast to the tempo, I love a bit of post rock and the guys really brought a wide range of math, post and at times pretty damn fast and heavy rock to their set so it kept you on your toes wondering what would follow.
Autohuman played their first electric set (woo!) in a long time and it was really refreshing to see the spirit of jazz come forth when they could really let loose. From wild upbeat tunes lifted from high fantasy tales to Django Reinhardt you cannae help but smile along with the band who clearly love what they are doing.

I'd be remiss to not mention the glorious poster art by Thomas Thores Hyman