Gypsy roots played their first gig in four whole years, and despite every venue in town that night having something great on, it brought a whole heap of amazing folk out for the night's festivities.
The Planet Hour hit the stage first and I gotta admit, after a long day at work, a takeout fuckup and rush to get down to Krakatoa I was all jostled and out of sync, so don't feel I totally took in what they had to offer, but they had a really nice set that got me chilled out and looking forward to a night of shenanagins and boogying.
Autohuman were up next and are always a favourite to catch when playing, they bring a different set and different sound every time, acoustic, frantic, laid back, trippy. It's like a lucky dip at the shows when you are a bairn, but whatever you get is awesome :D There was some sound difficulties a wee bit of the set, but none of it took away from the tunes getting dished out to the crowd who were digging the vibe anyway. Cannae wait until next time.
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Gypsy Roots were the headliners for the night, and it was grand to get a refresh of how much fun they have bringing together a hotpot of reggae, but not cause it's alsp punk, but not too punk cause it's got a funky groove throughout... The end result is the urge to boogie though and it really capped off a long week with a grand night oot!